visual workshops.
Graphicrecorder Graphic Recorder Graphicrecording Recording Visualfacilitator Visual Facilitator Facilitation Visualfacilitation Illustrator Illustration Illustrations Sketchnote Sketchnotes Remote Digital Human Centered Design Thinking Innovation Innovation Meeting Workshop Atelier draw live stream visual protocol visualization strategy strategy images culture culture customer customer focus sustainable sustainability communication industries event events team meeting team development dynamic complex topics easy to understand trade fair events creative services creative live visualization facilitators target image process process process visualization online meeting collaboration change management new work inspiration creativity large group event sharenotes notes share graphic meeting graphic meeting symbols process images learning maps personas customer journey books vignettes scribble gif animation stop-motion-movie draw trainings training bikablo neuland Storytelling Consulting Coaching Lettering Typefaces Sketchnoting Murals Murals Picture Gallery Dialogue Mapping Methods Scribbles of Ideas Simultaneous Personal Human Emotional Emotions Virtual Speakingmachen
visual facilitating ist visuelle moderation. a visual facilitator supports and promotes the visual accompaniment of workshops to promote efficient and creative solutions.
Initial situations, content and the results obtained are recorded in pictures on flipcharts. this enables the group to conduct discussions more precisely and efficiently and to create a common picture from the initial situation to the solution variant . in addition to the visual recording, the visual facilitator supports goal-oriented work in the group with the right methods and questions. the visual facilitator combines the role of a facilitator (moderator) and graphic recorder (drawer).
lend a hand...
even if you think you have no talent for drawing - in the visual workshops you will learn the basic visual vocabulary and the ingredients for effective visualization using simple techniques, which you will be there the next day can use in practice!
the workshops can take place at your company or in external premises. they are also ideal for team development or_cc9419 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_as part of a team event. die themen in den visual workshops werden individuell nach deinen b edürfnissen geplant und gestaltet.
brandSTIFT® supports…
steht ein bedeutendes thema an, welches visualisiert werden sollte – dann kannst du auch die komplette visuelle kommunikation von brandSTIFT® create let.
Graphicrecorder Graphic Recorder Graphicrecording Recording Visualfacilitator Visual Facilitator Facilitation Visualfacilitation Illustrator Illustration Illustrations Sketchnote Sketchnotes Remote Digital Human Centered Design Thinking Innovation Innovation Meeting Workshop Atelier draw live stream visual protocol visualization strategy strategy images culture culture customer customer focus sustainable sustainability communication industries event events team meeting team development dynamic complex topics easy to understand trade fair events creative services creative live visualization facilitators target image process process process visualization online meeting collaboration change management new work inspiration creativity large group event sharenotes notes share graphic meeting graphic meeting symbols process images learning maps personas customer journey books vignettes scribble gif animation stop-motion-movie draw trainings training bikablo neuland Storytelling Consulting Coaching Lettering Typefaces Sketchnoting Murals Murals Picture Gallery Dialogue Mapping Methods Scribbles of Ideas Simultaneous Personal Human Emotional Emotions Virtual Speakingmachen
added value
learn the craft of simple, fast and meaningful drawing on the flipchart or on paper in the form of sketch notes. find out how you can inspire the audience with simple means and how you can convey your topics easily and sustainably. Experience how you can visualize your environment with your newly learned skills and present complex topics quickly and easily in the simplest way.
images, illustrations or individual graphic elements leave a lasting impression on most people and can be saved and reproduced more easily.
operation area
visual workshops can be carried out in a wide variety of elements and duration. in a preliminary talk, the needs and desired goals can be discussed in order to be able to put together a tailor-made workshop. possible variants would be:
crash course , for medium to very large groups (30-100 participants / 30-90 minutes)
half-day course , for groups of 6-20 participants (get to know and learn methods)
day course , for groups of 6-20 participants (know methods, learn and use them)
visual workshops with :
team building elements
f ocus on design thinking
focus on agile working methods
VIP private visual workshop (1-2 participants)